Search Marketing and Pay-Per-Click
Your success story begins here, and we’ll write it out for you.
In today’s online marketplace pay-per-click advertising is almost a requirement since %90 of all web traffic
comes from search engines. To your audience, you’re either always there, on top, leading the conversation;
or, you’re simply left behind. We launch highly effective paid search campaigns that make a huge impact
and create broad awareness within your targeted audience. Our mastery in analytics, customer targeting
and persistent iteration will help your pay-per-clicks visitors convert into paying customers.
Paid Search Marketing Campaigns
that Grow Digital Business
Today’s search marketing landscape has evolved far beyond basic PPC text ads.
Google paid search results now make up 3/2 of the real estate above the fold,
which makes engagement with paid search ads to be at an all-time high.
360 Media
Higher level branding is Storytelling™