Email & CRM
Marketing is successful when a brand knows its audience.
A well-planned remarketing campaign will turn your current customers into life-long customers. This will
not only increase sales but will also prove your place in your industry. For that reason, we automate and
segment email collection. We build and deliver effective email marketing that builds revenue by never
letting a customer go.
Effective Email & CRM Solutions
From drip campaigns and monthly emails to list growth and automation,
we partner with your brand to implement effective email and CRM programs that grow digital business.

  • Email Marketing Strategy
  • Email Design
  • Mobile Optimized Email Marketing
  • List Growth Strategy & Campaigns
  • Email & CRM Platform Selection
  • CRM & Segmentation Strategy
  • Drip Campaigns
  • Deliverability Strategy
  • Landing Page Optimization
360 Media
Higher level branding is Storytelling™